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Mobility to USAMV Cluj KA171-2022 (Students & Staff)
Date de création: 26 Jan 2024 / 565 Vue(s)
Mobility to USAMV Cluj KA171-2022 (Students & Staff)
Depending on the type of mobility you are eligible for please upload in the Academica platform (
- passport (regardless the type of mobility) 
- photo (students) (Id size)
- Learning agreement for study or traineeship (students, including PhD students) ( LA For Traineeship or LA For study ) editable form
- Staff mobility for teaching or training (academic staff). ( MA For Training or MA For Teaching ) editable form
The applicants are kindly asked to use only the templates from our website, as they are particular for each project.
The places available can be seen at
Academic responsible for the mobility can be seen here